ArcGis apLicaTiOn..witH downloadabLe LinK...

finaLLy i caN improve My Blog wiTh downloadable link...acTuaLLy i aLmost haD no Time to updaTe this bLog...coz there's too many assignmenT that sHouLd be finisHed beFore tHis monTh... ^^...

thiS is tHe one oF my leSSon in 2nd semesTer on "Urban and RegionaL Planning" Brawijaya UniversitY...

CLICK HERE to download ArcGis ApLicaTioN

CLICK HERE to downLoad Map rEgistratiOn thrOuGh ArcGis

CLICK HERE to downloaD ArcGis daTabase n aNaLyst

hAppY doWnLoad ^^!!!!!